Simple tips for combining cleaning and training


Do you have the feeling that you do not have time to work out in the middle of all the Christmas stress. you have a thousand things to do and errands to run, and you still need to do some Christmas cleaning to get your house ready for the holidays.

Why not incorporate some working out with the cleaning, you get a workout in and at the same time it makes the cleaning a bit more fun. Try Dancing (and singing) as you are vacuuming or mopping the floors, it makes it more fun, and raises your heart rate a bit more when you really start grooving.


Add a simple movement every time you are done cleaning a surface:

∴ Do 5 squats after you wiped the dust of the counter.

∴ Do 5 push-ups after you are done vacuuming each room.

∴ Do 10 burpees in the Bathroom when it is spotless again!

When you are done with the whole apartment you can have a easy stretching session on your perfectly clean floors.

Why not add some lunges as you are vacuuming, or add a backpack full of books on your back to make it a bit tougher to move around (carrying a child will also suffice).

Just have some fun with it and let your imagination run wild. Ask some friends and family to join you as well!

1 comment

  1. Esko Illukka

    Nykyisin toimii hyvin, lukuunottamatta jakamista, faisbookiin voi jakaa kuvana, mutta itse tapahtumaa ei voi jakaa, ilmoittaa ettei toimi.

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