Running Events to Get You Motivated

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Picture from Sports Tracker athlete who enjoys running.

Spring has sprung and if warm, sunny days aren’t enough to push you off the couch then one of the best ways to get motivated is to sign up for a running event.

Running events are loads of fun. Having a goal to work towards is a great way to get you started on a training plan. And to feel the kind of stoke and achievement that only comes from crossing a finish line. With so many types of events to choose from, it’s easy to find a race that works best for you.

Fun Runs

While it might be a lot of people’s dream to run a marathon, it’s important to start small and work your way up. So if you’re coming off a long winter of hibernation, then there is absolutely nothing wrong in starting off with a 5k or 10k in order to get your groove on.

Shorter runs are often called ‘fun runs’ for a reason with relaxed attitudes and oftentimes a fund-raising goal. Events like the Bolder Boulder in Colorado feature runners in costumes, live bands along the route, and a festive atmosphere at the start and finish lines. The adrenaline rush you feel when crossing the finish line in front of a bunch of cheering people – the Bolder Boulder finishes in a stadium with a crowd of over 70,000! – is an incredible feeling that will keep you buzzing for weeks.

Marathon Mania

Running a marathon is a huge achievement and if you’re thinking about adding it to your bucket list then you want to make sure to do it right. A quick Google search will lead you to several results pages of marathon training plans, most of which start around 20 weeks before the race.

Be forewarned that marathons are highly addictive and many serial marathoners plan their vacations around big events in exotic cities. The Maratona di Roma, the Marathon de Paris provide unparalleled scenery before, during and after your run while entering one of the classic races like the New York City Marathon and the Boston Marathon are lifetime goals.

Trail Blazers

If one of your favorite things about running is the chance to connect to nature then check out a trail running event. Many of these events take place in beautiful places over the course of a weekend and most, like the Silver Falls Trail Runs, offer a variety of distances for runners of all abilities.


Finally at the far end of the spectrum – some would say off the scale – are 200+ km events called Ultras, many of which traverse mountain ranges, deserts, rainforests and Arctic snowfields.

Hmmm… On second thought, one of those 5k fun runs is sounding like it might be the best idea after all. Are You participating a running event this year? If so, we’d love to know where.


Trey Cook – Our Sports Tracker exploring the outdoors

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  1. tracyrroman

    Must say it is an inspiring post, loved this a lot. When it comes to making resolutions, consider goals based on process instead of outcome. That way, you can sustain momentum by celebrating small, frequent victories. And you’ll avoid the all-or-nothing thinking that triggers massive disappointment if factors beyond your control interfere along the way—for instance, if you wake up to a sweltering race day. Keep up the good work in future too. Have a nice day.

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      Hi Margarethe. Could you contact our Support so that they can help you better with the app issues:

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