Why you should wear sunglasses when cycling or running

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Protect your eyes by using proper sunglasses.

Do you wear sunglasses when you go out for a ride or a run? If you do, good for you! But according to Vision Council, only one-third of Americans do so. It’s normal for people to protect their skin with sunscreen and hats, but it’s equally important to think about your eyes when out in the sun.

Protecting your eyes

Sunglasses protect your eyes. It is as simple as it gets! Using high quality eyewear will protect your eyes from getting branches, leaves, mud or any small pieces of dirt in your eyes when mountain biking or trail running. On the road, your eyes are also exposed to getting stuff in like gravels, dust and insects coming from nowhere.

The wraparound design also helps prevent wind from drying your eyes out and stop reflection from water or snow in case you are running or cycling on the sea- or mountainside. Did you know that snow reflects up to 85% of UV, water up to 100% and concrete up to 25% (source)? Wearing sunglasses is as important during winter as it is during summer.

Choosing the right pair

The sun’s UV radiation can cause a lot of damages to your eyes. Various light and weather conditions can affect the amount of UV radiation you are exposed to, but even on cloudy or overcast days, the harmful UV rays need to be blocked.

If you can’t have several lenses for different light conditions, you should choose a photochromic lens that adapts to changing light conditions by dynamically adjusting the level of tint from lighter to darker. However, note that UV protection has nothing to do with the darkness or color of the lenses, even though more than 40 percent of Americans believe that according to Vision Council. Instead, check the label to make sure sunglasses are UVA/UVB protective.

Dr. Justin Bazan, the medical advisor to Vision Council, recommends buying sunglasses from a reputable retailer.

Evaluate your daily activities – driving, walking, gardening, playing sports – and determine which type of eyewear is most conducive to your lifestyle. Quality sunglasses are available for every budget, but you should make sure they come from a reputable retailer. The most important considerations when making eyewear purchases are: UV protection and comfort.”

Our friends at Salomon has a nice collection of performance and lifestyle eyewear products so have a look and make your choice to feel protected and look good at the same time.

Check out the Salomon collection here.


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1 comment

  1. bramjak

    I think use these sun glasses in running may save the eyes from different thins as:
    sand,dry and dander shins.

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